Hip Hop and the LAPD

I was recently asked whether I had any data to support the claim that the number of mentions of the LAPD (Los Angeles Police Department) in hip hop lyrics has fallen off in recent years, after peaking in the mid-1990s. The LAPD attracted a lot of angry attention from hip hop artists in the wake of the 1992 LA riots, triggered when four LAPD officers were acquitted of using excessive force in the arrest and beating of Rodney King

On the face of it, this claim should be easy to check: use a lyrics database to search for hip hop songs mentioning “LAPD”, find when they were released, and look at the trend. In practice, it turns out to be rather more complicated.

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Song Lyrics 1: Counting Words

This is the first of a series of articles about analysing text data. The statistical music historian might be interested in many sorts of text – from lists and catalogues through to complex ‘free format’ writing in tweets, record reviews, composer biographies, or encyclopedias. For these articles I will consider a dataset of song lyrics, taken from the LyricWiki website [since I wrote this post, LyricWiki has disappeared, although there are several other sources of song lyrics that could be used].

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