There are plenty of other datasets on all aspects of music history – surveys of publishers, dictionaries of musical themes, instrument catalogues, among others. Here is a selection.
Dataset | Comments |
Psalms in metre (1644)1 | Psalm tunes and incipits – one of the earliest examples of a thematic catalogue. Available at Google Books. |
Breitkopf Catalogue (1762)2 | Thematic catalogue of Breitkopf’s publications (about 14,000) |
Bartók (c.1905)3 | Over 3,000 Romanian folk music melodies collected by Bartók |
Cecil Sharp (1903–23)4 | 5,000+ English folk songs collected by Cecil Sharp |
Dictionary of Musical Themes (1948-50)5 | 9,800 instrumental themes, 6,500 vocal themes. Designed to identify themes from a short series of pitches. |
Directory of Classical Themes (1975)6 | About 10,000 musical themes (based on previous entry). Designed to identify themes from Up/Down/Repeat sequence. |
ABC Tunefinder | Meta-search for folk-tunes in ABC format. |
Peachnote | Theme finder, covering 160,000 works in music files from IMSLP and elsewhere |
Themefinder | Folk, Classical and Motet themes – 35,000 incipits |
Classical Midi | Collection of around 3,000 MIDI files of works by over 200 composers, including biographical information on many. |
British publishers (1900)7 | A survey of about 500 British music publishers. Available at |
Publishing in the British Isles (1970)8 | Survey of about 2,200 British music publishers, printers, etc to 1850. |
Victorian music publishers (1990)9 | Survey of about 1,500 British music publishers 1830–1900. |
Harpsichords and clavichords (1440-1840)10 | Survey of harpsichord and clavichord makers and about 2,000 surviving instruments. |
Boalch-Mould Online | Online and updated version of the previous entry, covering over 2,400 early keyboard instruments. See also this article. |
Historical woodwind instruments11 | Inventory of 200 makers and 4,900 woodwind instruments. |
Medieval Instruments (400-1500)12 | Survey of 500+ extant medieval instruments. |
Minim-UK | Online catalogue of over 22,000 musical instruments in UK collections with links, photographs and other details |
Listening Experience Database | Database covering individuals’ experiences of listening to music |
Music Lyrics Database | Lyrics of almost a quarter of a million songs by over 11,000 artists | | Another song lyrics site. Claims to be the largest, although unclear how many songs are included. | | Another song lyrics site, also claiming to be the largest, and also unclear how many songs are included! |
Get Song Key and Get Song BPM | Linked websites using the same database of over 6 million songs, telling you the key and tempo (beats per minute), plus other statistics and links |
Doctoral Dissertations in Musicology | Details of around 15,000 theses and dissertations from the last 100 years or so |
Music Sack | A large searchable linked database of people, books, venues and performances. Tricky to sample from, but consistently formatted and good quality. |
UK Amateur Orchestras | A list of over 1,600 UK amateur orchestras, organised by region, with locations, contact details and other information. |
British Choirs on the Net | Listing of over 4,000 British choirs, links to their webpages, and other free-text information. |
Cite this article as: Gustar, A.J. 'Miscellaneous Datasets' in Statistics in Historical Musicology, 14th July 2017,
- Barton, W. 1644. The Book of Psalms in metre. London: Matthew Simmons for the Company of Stationers.
- Breitkopf & Co. 1762–65. Catalogo delle sinfonie, partite, overture, soli, duetti, trii, quattri e concerti per il violin, flauto traverse, cembalo ed altri stromenti, che si trovano in manuscritto nella Officina musica di Giovanni Gottlob breitkopf in Lipsia. Leipzig
- Bartók, B. 1967. Rumanian folk music (3 volumes). Suchoff, B. (Ed.). The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff.
- Sharp, C. J. 1974. Cecil Sharp’s Collection of English Folk Songs. Edited by Maud Karpeles. London: Oxford University Press.
- Barlow, H. & Morgenstern, S. 1948. A Dictionary of Musical Themes. New York: Crown.
Barlow, H. & Morgenstern, S. 1950. A Dictionary of Vocal Themes. New York: Crown. - Parsons, D. 2008. The Directory of Classical Themes. London: Piatkus.
- Kidson, F. 1900. British music publishers, printers and engravers: London, Provincial, Scottish, and Irish. London: W.E.Hill & Sons.
- Humphries, C. & Smith, W. C. 1970. Music publishing in the British Isles from the earliest times to the middle of the nineteenth century: A dictionary of engravers, printers, publishers and music sellers, with a historical introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Parkinson, J. A. 1990. Victorian Music Publishers: an annotated list. Michigan: Harmonie Park Press.
- Boalch, D. H. 1995. Makers of the harpsichord and clavichord 1440-1840 (third edition). Oxford: Clarendon
- Young, P. T. 1993. 4900 historical woodwind instruments: an inventory of 200 makers in international collections. London: T. Bingham
- Crane, F. 1972. Extant Medieval Musical Instruments: A Provisional Catalogue by Types. University of Iowa Press