Repertoire Datasets

This is a varied group of datasets, covering surveys of the repertoire for particular instruments or genres.

Drammaturgia (1666)1Dramatic works (some musical) – 7,500 works. In Italian. Available at
Sammelwerke (1877)2Music collections 1500–1700. About 15,000 works. In German. Available at
Dictionary of Operas (1910)3Listings of over 28,000 performed operas and operettas. Available at
ABRSM Syllabus and Repertoire since 1933Study and exam pieces for various instruments. Hard to find.
Literature of the Piano (1949)4Description of 1,500 works in the piano repertoire. Prose style, variable coverage of works.
Sonatas (1959–69)5Broad survey of 50,000 sonatas. Prose style, variable coverage.
Orchestral Music Handbook (1982)6Performing details (duration, forces, etc) of orchestral works. 1,500 works (1982 edition), 9,000 works (latest edition).
Pianist’s repertoire (1987)78,000 works graded by difficulty.
Lost Polyphony (1988)8174 manuscripts of lost English polyphony pre-1500
Chamber Music (1993)9About 7,500 chamber works from pre-Baroque to contemporary.
English Liturgical Music (1994)101,000 works of 15C English Liturgical Music.
Organ Repertoire (2001)1110,000+ works of the Organ repertoire.
Tuba Repertoire (2006)12 5,000+ works of the Tuba repertoire
Solo Piano Music (2006)134,000 piano works, graded by difficulty
SymphonistsLong list of symphonists compiled by French musicologist Thanh-Tam Le. (The link points to names beginning a-d: there are similar pages for e-j, k-o, p-z)
Bratman SymphoniesA list of 1,000 or so symphonies compiled by US musicologist David Bratman
Encore 21Online Union-catalogue of sets of performance music in UK Libraries, giving details of performing forces, etc for around 40,000 titles
CantusLatin Ecclesiastical Chants. 400,000 chants
Traditional Tune ArchiveOver 50,000 folk tunes from Britain, Ireland and North America, organised as a wiki.
FolkopediaRich resource covering traditional song, dance and music from Britain, Ireland, North America and elsewhere.
Vaughan Williams Memorial LibraryExtensive collection of folk songs and related materials
Accessible Lute MusicOver 17,000 pieces for lute, organised by composer, including MIDI files and transcriptions in various formats. Compiled by Sarge Gerbode, a lute enthusiast who aims to make these works more accessible by providing them in a digital format. See the article mentioned here.
Cite this article as: Gustar, A.J. 'Repertoire Datasets' in Statistics in Historical Musicology, 12th July 2017,
  1. Allacci, L. 1755. Drammaturgia. Venice: G. Pasquali.
  2. Eitner, R. 1877. Bibliographie der Musik-Sammelwerke des XVI. und XVII. Jahrunderts. Berlin: Leo Liepmannssohn.
  3. Towers, J. 1967 [1910]. Dictionary-Catalogue of Operas and Operettas (2 Volumes). New York: Da Capo.
  4. Hutcheson, E. 1949. The Literature of the Piano. London: Hutchinson.
  5. Newman, W. S. 1959. The Sonata in the Baroque Era. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press.
    Newman, W. S. 1963. The Sonata in the Classic Era. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press.
    Newman, W. S. 1969. The Sonata since Beethoven. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press.
  6. Daniels, D. 1982. Orchestral Music: a Handbook. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow.
  7. Hinson, M. 1987. Guide to the pianist’s repertoire. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
  8. Wathey, A. 1988. Lost Books of Polyphony in England: A List to 1500. Royal Musical Association Research Chronicle, 1–19.
  9. Rangel-Ribeiro, V. & Markel, R. 1993. Chamber Music: An International Guide to Works and Their Instrumentation.  New York: Facts on File.
  10. Curtis, G. & Wathey, A. 1994. Fifteenth-Century English Liturgical Music: A List of the Surviving Repertory. Royal Musical Association Research Chronicle, 1–69.
  11. Beckmann, K. 2001. Repertorium Orgelmusik: Komponisten, Werke, Editionen 1150–2000. Mainz: Schott.
  12. Morris, R. W. (Ed.), 2006. Guide to the Tuba Repertoire, Second Edition: The New Tuba Source Book.  Bloomington: Indiana University Press
  13. Barnard, T. & Gutierrez, E. 2006. A Practical Guide to Solo Piano Music. Galesville, MD: Meredith Music Publications.