This page contains replies to some of the points raised at the RMA conference in response to my paper on women composers (either in the session or in subsequent discussions)…
Continue reading →Month: September 2018

This page contains supporting material for my presentation at the Royal Musical Association’s annual conference at Bristol University on 13-15 September 2018.
Continue reading →Statistics as a tool in researching women composer populations
My field of research is using statistics to explore the history of music. Today I’d like to talk about some analysis I’ve done on women composers and their works. Time is short, so I’ve got just four charts, and I’ll talk briefly about what they tell us about women composers, and about the data and the methodology, and the sort of issues that can arise with this sort of investigation. There is more detail available at this link.1
The first chart is an attempt to quantify how many women composers there are.2 Continue reading →